Sunday, 29 January 2012

so we are a week and a half away from embarking on a nine month honeymoon starting in santiago, chile, and then just figuring it out from there.

i am surprisingly relaxed with the lack of planning and booked accommodation.  very unlike me, who has been known to put together a 100 page guide for a 7 day driving tour (and gifted to the husband as a thoughtful "homemade" christmas present).

what is upsetting me is leaving behind our awesome rabbit ALFIE.  he is being left in the very capable hands of my eccentric mother who likes nothing more than to taunt him with large cooking pots and cleavers.  secretly she loves him (how could you not love that face?!) and has grand ideas to be the first designer of a rabbit nappy.  in alfie's defence, he is litter trained but just gets a little excited every now and then and likes to show his love by leaving his love pellets around the house.

anyway, we hope to keep those who are interested in our travels updated with some fairly sub standard photos of the places we will be visiting. this will be accompanied by various points of interest which have no relevance to either the photos or the current location.  we hope you are entertained by our lack of artistic flair and witless commentary.  enjoy!