Saturday 1 September 2012

USA Road Trip - Day 31

I think the Grand Canyon deserves a post of its own.  Disappointingly, our only day in the Grand Canyon was rainy and stormy.  Our first sight of the Grand Canyon, while amazing was slightly diminished by the huge downpour making it difficult to see a few steps in front of us let alone deep into the canyon.  We made a quick dash back to the visitor centre to regroup.

First wet and foggy sight of the Grand Canyon

We had booked a helicopter tour over the canyon for the afternoon and we hoped the weather would clear up.  We headed to the airport and waited for our group to be called.  Luckily by the time we were due to depart the weather, while still gloomy, as at least dry.

Waiting for our turn, already feeling nervous, then they hand me the flimsiest looking life jacket.
Leigh's first time in a helicopter!

The tour over the Canyon was stunning.  Flying out over the rim, with the land dropping away to reveal the scope and vast expanse of the Canyon was an amazing experience.  Even flying over the Canyon, I don’t think you can ever fully grasp how large and immense the place is.  We hope to return in the future to hike down into the Canyon.

Heading towards the rim

Over the edge and into the Canyon

That evening we planned to watch the sunset over the Canyon.  Unfortunately it was still overcast so the sunset wasn’t as dramatic as we had hoped but it was still a beautiful experience.